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Get personalized learning support from our expert tutors

How Do We Tutor?

Step 1

Fill in your tutor request details

Step 2

We contact you within 24 hours via email, SMS, WhatsApp, or Call

Step 3

Arrange meeting details and online platform; Zoom, Teams or Google Meet

Step 4

Enjoy your free first meeting

Step 5

Set recurring meeting frequency

Step 6

Monthly invoices sent out to parents for payments

Fill the form below to request a tutor

Choose from our range of tutoring packages designed to fit your needs.

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Please provide the parent/guardian's full name.
Please provide the student's full name.
Please provide a valid email address.
Please provide the parent's phone number.
Please provide the student's phone number.
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Subjects We Offer


Discover the wonders of life and ecosystems.

Interactive dissection labs

Secondary, IGCSE, AS/A Levels


Dive into molecules and reactions.

Virtual lab simulations

Secondary, IGCSE, AS, and A Levels.

Computer Science and ICT

Master programming and algorithms.

Real-world coding projects

Secondary, IGCSE, AS/A Levels


Understand markets and financial systems.

Case study analysis

Secondary, IGCSE


From algebra to calculus, we cover all levels.

Problem-solving techniques

Primary, Secondary, IGCSE, AS/A Levels


Explore matter and energy with expert guidance.

Hands-on experiments

Secondary, IGCSE, AS/A Levels

๐ŸŒŸ Exciting News ๐ŸŒŸ

Testimonial 1
Testimonial 2
Testimonial 3


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